Father Mother

Father H J Rip  11-5-1924   born in Rotterdam  died in Helmond on 25-7-2013

Mother J W M Stalenhoef   18-9-1932  born in Ambarawa Ned Indie,   died in Helmond on  3-11-1995

they got two childeren named Renaldus Hendrikus Everardus  born on 14-12-1950 called Rene and Maria Catharina Johanna born 4-4-1952 called Ria


Rene got maried on 16-6-1989 in Neth Antilles Curacao with Fame Dorcel Wendela York orn on 26-7-1950 and got a child on 20-8-1997 Nathanial Gilbert Nolan called Nathaniel they diverced on 30-10-2015

Rene got married again on 27-9-2022 with Boudelina Sijna Herrewijnen, who has three children, she was born 0n 12-8-969, her parents are Barend Herrewijnen en Katharina Geertruida Looy